Saturday, January 12, 2013

Things Parents Say #1

Don't run with your tongue out. You don't want to bite it like you just did, and I don't want to kiss it like I just did.


My Little Yogi

Today we took a yoga for kids class in the neighborhood. Well, we went and watched anyway.

The instructor was great and had all the kids mesmerized at the beginning of class by ringing together her "morning star" (no not the midevil battle mace). It was a star shaped wand that chimed when struck against the wall. There were about 10 kids in the room ages 1-4 and you could hear a pin drop. It was pretty amazing.

The rest of the class involved fun kid-focused yoga-esque poses. We did things like the "butterfly" and the "row boat" (to the tune of "Row, Row, Row your Boat"). Well, Megan and I did things. Will was still mostly mesmerized from the quiet star. Oh well what do you do.

After Yoga we went to the park for a few trips down the slide. There we met Owen and his high pressure socialization dad. Owen's dad (didn't introduce himself by the way) kept pushing Owen to say hi and hi-five Will. Totally annoying, but Will was completely oblivious and went about his business of going down the twisty slide like a champ. Then it was home for a quick lunch and off to nap.

Things My Kids say #1

"Happy Birthday to POOPIE"
(to the tune of "Happy Birthday", during nap prayers)

-William Cox